
Drone Registration: go with the flow...chart

Published: 22 January 2020

Updated: 12 April 2020

The day is coming….drone registration.

To be (im)precise, drone registration is looking to become mandatory in Australia on 30 September 2020 for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), and sometime between March and May 2022 for Model Aircraft. We say “sometime” because those are the rubbery dates provided in the Regulations (which could be pushed out further).

Our articles on drone registration and drone pilot accreditation, as well as the offences lurking in the new regulations go into more detail about each aspect.

However, today we leave behind the boring detail and minutiae and try a different approach: a flowchart.

We think there is an entire exercise in unpacking and exploring this flowchart, which we anticipate will happen very soon.

As you may suspect, there are layers of regulations behind this deceptively simple flowchart. However, the aim is to give you the basic idea of when you might need to register your drone.

Fly free!

The Drone Lawyer

22 January 2020

Update: 12 April 2020